REgistration for summer 2024

Mental Game Camp

Typically runs in Summer

We just finished camp for 6/2024

What is Mental Game Camp?

we help you quickly (and with ease) learn how to manage emotions, so you enjoy your sport more, take more risks, be more assertive, lessen the tension, improve focus, make decisions quicker, & recover from mistakes faster!

We have put on both virtual & in person mental training camps. we will have registration & more information on our next camp available soon.

We have research backed on-demand courses while you wait or you can make an appointment for a 1:1 session with a coach!

Check out:

* Performance anxiety project

* Negativity Neutralizer

* Parenting performers program

*1:1 Session with Maximize the Mind

OR if you're brand new to us...

take the Free quiz below to see what your mental game score is!

want you or your athlete to feel more in control when competing?

In about 3 minutes, you’ll learn what type of athlete you are & get proven tools delivered to your inbox to start developing mental toughness!

If you’re on the struggle bus because your performance isn’t what you know you’re capable of & you’re letting frustration or fear get the best of you… you need tools to thrive under pressure & be able to control emotions so you can actually trust your talent!

You will receive a FREE toolkit with proven strategies to Immediately improve your performance!

Want to be the first to hear about camp registration?

Join our waitlist!


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